Thursday, 25 June 2009

Tuna fish-flavoured water

There's nothing I like finer on a warm summer's day like today than quenching my thirst.

I never drink plain water, however. I will only lap up tuna fish-flavoured water. There is absolutely nothing more delicious. (Well, apart from cream of course, but that doesn't quench your thirst when you've been out sunbathing for ages.)

Sunday, 14 June 2009

A day in the life of Daisy Sprockett

4am: Wake up, Belt at top speed round the flat.
4.10am: Wander into Mr and Mrs Servants' bedroom. Jump on their bed and walk over them a few times to ensure they are awake. Purr loudly to ensure they continue to stay awake. Find a comfy spot on the duvet and nod off.
7.00am: Woken up. Eat breakfast.
7.05am: Jump into my own bed in the living room and snooze for the morning.
10.59am: Go and see Mrs Servant in her office and tap on her arm to remind her about my elevenses.
11.30am: Eventually get my elevenses. Time to go outside to check on what's happening in my territory. Then a nice relaxing laze in the sun.
2.30pm: Wait outside entrance to the block as I want to come in and go to the loo.
2.50pm: Still waiting outside.
3.00pm: Eventually let in. Dash to my litter tray. I much prefer to use my own lavatory rather than go outside.
3.10pm: Sit on the chair on the balcony and keep an eye on the dogs in the park. No sign of that nasty dog, Taz, so have another nap.
5.59pm:Go and see Mrs Servant in her office and tap on her arm to remind her about my 6 o'clock supper.
6.01pm: This time I get fed immediately, which is lucky, as I'm starving. Have a game with Mrs Servant. Playing with my red feather is my favourite game. Have a quick chew on my cable.
8.15pm: Spend much of the evening snoozing on Mr Servant's lap.
11.00pm: Eat my last meal of the day. Sit by the front door in the hope I'll be allowed out. There are loads of interesting things to explore at night. But, as usual, I'm not allowed. (Can't blame me for trying...) So, I jump into my bed and settle down for a well-earned rest.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Hooray for spring

I've been a bit lazy about my blog recently. Now that the light mornings and evenings are here I like to be out and about investigating my territory. There are loads of baby birds to watch and cats - who dare wander onto my patch - to chase off.

Then, in between, there's sunbathing to do.

Mr Servant is spending more time at home at the moment. Not quite sure why. Anyhow, the result is that my daytime regime is pretty strict. Another reason why I like to make myself scarce and lurk about outside.

This morning he actually SHOUTED at me for being asleep on their bed. I am what's termed 'a senior cat', so I think I'm entitled to the occasional rest on a bed.