Saturday, 8 May 2010

A bowl of cream

I was given a delicious bowl of cream today. It must be a special occasion of some sort, as I only seem to be given cream about once a year.

Nasty stuff for breakfast

I don' t like it when Mr Servant gets up first and gives me my breakfast. He always give me that Nasty Stuff first and then makes me eat it all up before he gives me my Tasty Biscuits.

When Mrs Servant gives me breakfast, she mixes the two up. So I pick out the Tasty Biscuits, eat the gravy, and leave all the Nasty Stuff in the bowl.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Where's my bed?

My comfy, trusted bed disappeared yesterday. I tried looking for it but it really wasn't anywhere to be seen. Luckily I was able to sprawl in the sun on the carpet and then loaf on one or other of the Servants' laps.

But always in the back of my mind was: "Where is my nice warm bed?"

Anyhow, it turned up today. Back in the same place as if nothing had happened. However, it smells all funny - it doesn't smell of me at all any more. And it's not the same colour. It used to be a nice pale grey and now it's white.

I've decided I won't sleep in it.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Duck food - yum

Two ducks have appeared on the small pond near where I live and Mrs Servant has been feeding them special duck food.

It may be food for ducks but I think it's absolutely yummy. Even nicer than the treats I get. (And I didn't think there WAS anything tastier than my treats.)

Monday, 15 March 2010

A new relation?

How cool is that? Just found out there's an interactive design agency with my surname: Orange Sprocket

I wonder if we're related? I wonder if they like tuna fish just as much as I do?

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Where's my lunch?

I make it very obvious that I'm ravenous but The Servants just don't seem to get the hint.

Putting the boot in

The Servants know perfectly well that my favourite spot in the winter is lazing by the radiator in the hall. So why do they put their walking boots there so I can't snooze in peaceful radiator heaven?

I wish they'd tidy up a bit. There's hardly any room for me.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Mini photo album

Mrs Servant has found a site she's rather pleased with. So, um, better indulge her and click this link....