Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Foxes and rabbits and things

One of the fantastic things about living in a small park (as I do), is there is an endless supply of birds to stalk and chase. I'm not very good at knowing all the different sorts but there are big black ones, small black ones, different sized brown ones, yellow and blue ones and even black and white ones.

There are also about six or seven squirrels that I like to annoy. Although they are far too quick for me when they shoot up tree trunks.

The downside is the family of foxes that lives in the park. I can stand my ground very well against them but Mrs Servant won't let me out when it's dark, because she thinks they'll attack me. And I love going out in the dark.

Anyhow, imagine my surprise the other day when I saw four rabbits! They were down by the leisure centre, hopping about quite happily. They'd better watch out as I bet that nasty dog Taz will attack them.

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