Tuesday, 17 February 2009

What a way to spend the morning

Today started much the same as usual. Breakfast, sleep....then Mrs Servant unceremoniously bundled me into that horrid cage thing.

This means one thing: the dreaded vet. If truth be told, I quite like the journey there. I can sniff all kinds of new smells and see new things - all from the safety of my cage.

However, as soon as we got to the postbox on the corner, I knew we were just a few seconds away. So I dived into the rear of the cage and hid. I told myself: "If he tries to pull me out, I'll hiss and spit and scratch."

He tipped my cage on its end but I hung on tightly with my front claws. I held out for as long as I could but eventually I was pinned to the table. Then the nasty vet gave me an injection. After that, he peered into my ears and eyes and mouth. I hate people doing that to me - especially the VET.

Luckily we came home straight away and I've spent the rest of the day asleep, trying to forget my stressful morning.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

A yummy meal

Mr and Mrs Servant often let me try a tiny bit of their leftovers after their evening meal and last night I was able to try salmon mousse, crab AND smoked mackerel. It was absolutely delicious and such a lovely change from the nasty stuff in pouches I usually have to eat.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

More stick news

In my last posting, I remarked how much fun it is playing 'twig' with Mrs Servant. As you can see from this short clip, it's a bit boring when Mr Servant is in charge of this twig. He just waggles it at me and expects me to perform.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

A fun stick

Mrs Servant found a great twig outside the other day and it's tremendous fun to play with. I could chase after it and pounce on it for hours. Thing is, Mrs Servant gets bored quite easily so I have to amuse myself with it.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Mrs Servant was cross with me today. All I did was bite her elbow but she really gave me a telling off. Life's not fair sometimes.

What she doesn't understand is that I enjoy giving people the odd little nip. Just occasionally it turns into a bigger gnash than I'd intended.

Monday, 2 February 2009


Today it's all cold and snowy. Mr and Mrs Servant forced me out in it but I didn't like it.