Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Lazing in the sun

Hooray, hooray, a lovely warm day today! That means I can pursue my favourite pastime: sunbathing. I make it perfectly obvious that I want to go outside (miaowing extra loudly by the front door) but my two servants just ignore me.

You see, I live in a flat on the second floor so I can't get out by myself. For some selfish reason, they eat breakfast and then spend AGES getting ready before letting me out.

I scamper down the two flights of stairs and scoot out the main door.

My sunbathing plans are pushed aside for a moment as there's a blackbird casually hopping about with his back to me. I love it when I can sneak up on birds unawares. Drat, he's flown into a nearby bush before I can pounce. I do love to keep the neigbourhood birds on their toes.

I jump onto the green chair on the neighbour's patio, curl up and prepare for a few hours of snoozing. I have the whole day ahead of me for lazing around. This is the life. I just hope the two little girls from the other ground floor flat don't come and prod me.


Sushi said...

Hi lucky kitty, I am Sushi and we don't speak each other's languages Woof and Meow ), anyway I'm just writing on behalf of my Mom. She thinks you're lucky because you live in London. She lived there and she loves that city. She lived in Waterloo and Lancaster Gate. I have a nice Meow speaker friend named Orson. Cheers!

Carole Seawert said...

Hello Sushi, How did you find my blog? This was only my first post and I had no idea that anyone would see it!

I am a bit sad tonight because I found a suitcase in the hallway and that means my servants are going away. I know I either get a very friendly Animal Aunt or a nice Cat Feeder to come and look after me, but I will miss them.

Hope you are enjoying your day. I usually get freaked out by dogs (and there are lots where I live - even foxes, but I chase THEM away.) but you sound quite friendly for a dog.

Your pal in London,