I usually wake up around 4:10am. Not sure why it's always the same time, but it just is. I used to be incarcerated in the kitchen at night so, when I woke up, I'd miaow as loudly as I could for as long as it took for my servants to come and release me. If it was on a day when they weren't working, I could be miaowing for about five hours. They can be so deaf at times.
They must have become fed up with my noise because now I'm free to sleep in my lovely comfy bed on the sofa in the sitting room. And just after 4am, I pad into their room and jump on the bed - the side where Mrs Servant sleeps, as she doesn't push me off.
I know just how far I can push the limit when it comes to sleeping on their bed. If I'm still there when Mr Servant comes out of the shower and Mrs Servant is preparing my breakfast then I get a real telling off. So, as soon as I hear the bathroom door open, I scoot off to the kitchen so he thinks I've been up ever since he has.