Thursday 25 December 2008

All alone

They've gone and left me again.

The only company I get is when the nice cat feeder comes twice a day. He sometimes brings a friendly lady who likes to spend time playing with me. But that's the highlight of my day. Apart from that, there is no-one to stroke me; no lap to sit on; and no-one to play with. It's all very boring, really.

I do hope they come home soon.

Sunday 21 December 2008


Mrs Servant has piled up the Christmas cards into a big stack. She obviously can't be bothered to string them up with ribbon and hang them from the walls like she usually does.

She hasn't even bought a tree this year. Let's hope she remembers to buy me my customary tub of cream for my present.

Since there is clearly no effort at making the sitting room look festive, I have decided to do my impression of a china ornament.

Monday 15 December 2008


What have Scarlett O'Hara and I got in common? We've both got 18 inch waists.

Not that I eat all that much. All I'm given is some nasty stuff in foil pouches that I eat under sufferance and a few grams of little brown biscuits. I have to admit the biscuits are very tasty, but they are weighed out v-e-r-y c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y by Mrs Servant.

Oh, to have tuna fish morning, noon and night! And double cream at regular intervals in between. (Sigh)

Friday 12 December 2008

The fake dog

Yesterday, Mrs Servant thought she would trick me by putting a Yorkshire terrier by my bed. I admit it looked quite a lot like a Yorkshire terrier but it was, in fact, a handbag.

Did she really think I can't tell a fake from the real thing? After all, dogs move and make noises. And I can smell them at 100 paces.

She must think I was born yesterday.

Monday 8 December 2008

A favourite snoozing place of mine

Regulars to this blog will know I have a favourite sleeping spot in the winter: as close as possible to the radiator in the hall. I do, however, enjoy an occasional rest in the airing cupboard.

It's excellent camouflage, too. I can hide away here among the bed linen for ages without The Servants guessing where I am.

Thursday 4 December 2008

What I have to put up with

Mr Servant likes to trap me in a vice-like grip and prevent me from moving a single inch. What he doesn't realise is I'm only a small cat and he is huge.

Just look at the way he tries to clear the sleep from my eyes...

Monday 1 December 2008

The squirrel

There's this rather annoying squirrel who pokes around the pots on the balcony. I like to chase him off whenever I get the chance - there's something about him that just irritates me.

Mrs Servant put some bread out for the birds the other day because it was cold (I love it when she does that - I get a perfect birdy floor show to watch from the other side of the French window. Pity there's no cat flap or I could hop out and catch one.)

Anyhow, the bread. The birds didn't get a look in at all, because the squirrel just sat there and chomped his way through the whole lot...